Thursday, October 11, 2012

Healthy smoking alternatives

“One stick. That’s all I’ll have from now on. Promise!”
“I swear never to smoke again!”
“I’m quitting smoking for real.”
There have been countless times wherein you’ve heard these lines before - it may have been from a stranger, from someone you know, or maybe even from yourself. Several times those lines have passed through your ears or mouth but they have been nothing but mere casual statements that you hear from time to time. But how many times have those promises been kept?
It is a known fact that smoking cessation is difficult. In spite of the very dire health risks it causes and the diseases that it can give to a person, smokers shrug these off and continue to do light up another stick.

Blame it on the nicotine, the substance where cigarettes are made of. Nicotine is a stimulant and is one of the main chemical factors responsible for the dependence-forming properties of smoking. The reason for this is because the brain adapts quickly to nicotine and develops a tolerance for it, which results to the feeling of having the need to smoke more in order to have the same rush you used to get with just a stick of cigarette.

These days drug discovery has provided people options to quit smoking. With several alternatives available on the market, why not give at yourself a chance to lead a healthier life?

1.    “Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.”
Figuratively, this statement says a lot about the first alternatives which are gums. The commonly used gum for smoking alternatives is nicotine gum. According to MedlinePlus, it acts as a substitute for oral activity while providing a source of nicotine that reduces the withdrawal symptoms experienced when smoking is stopped. While it may provide lesser cravings for a stick of cigarette, studies show that nicotine gums, when used improperly or habitually, may cause hiccups, gum disease, and may cause difficulty for the heart to pump blood. Sugarless chewing gums may also be used as substitute for cigarettes as it also helps battle oral fixation.

2.     “There are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles."
Everybody loves chocolates. So if you find it difficult to drop your stick, always keep a bar of dark chocolate where it is as reachable as your cigarette pack. According to Kristie Leon, M.D., “Smoking is partly addictive as it alters certain biochemicals in the brain involved in the sensation of pleasure. Slowly eat a small amount of dark chocolate when you get the urge to stop smoking. This serves two purposes, first it gives you a pleasant smoking alternative and second, dark chocolate can raise serotonin levels which can lift up your mood and relieve stress  - which is one of the reasons for smoking.” The plus side? Dark chocolate is low in calories.

3.    “They've been promised the lollipop but now they'll just get the stick.”
Who said lollipops are just for kids? Apparently, these sweet candies on a stick can also serve as another distraction for the nicotine itch. In a party, do you find it more preferable standing and holding an alcohol drink or a cigarette, instead of looking for ways to position your empty hands? Some smokers have already gotten used to having something stuck in their hands or fingers, so why not opt for a treat that isn’t a cigarette? Lollipops are somewhat similar to the shape of a cigarette stick, but without the adverse chemical effects. It also takes a while to finish a lollipop. By the time you’re done eating the candy, your smoke cravings have probably subsided.

4.    “A samurai, when he has not eaten, uses his toothpick.”
Toothpicks are not only great for removing unwanted particles in between our teeth, add a dash of flavor to them and voila! You have a healthy stick perfect to substitute the cancer stick. According to Dr. Machione’s article in, “ Flavored toothpicks are a healthy, safe and most preferred option to keep yourself away from the habit. Using flavored toothpicks you can mimic the smoking motion and also have the feel of 'something I the mouth to chew' feel. They are available in a wide range of flavors like tea tree, cinnamon, spearmint, peppermint etc.”

5.    Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit.”
The reason why people smoke is due to the fact that they are stressed or tired, and they use cigarettes as a medium to help them calm down. So instead of lighting up a cigarette stick when your stress gets the best of you, take the edge off of it by practicing relaxation techniques. Breathing exercises and muscle relaxation are simple ways of doing it. Yoga is useful it increases the dopamine levels in your brain, which trigger the feeling of pleasure that is usually associated with cigarette smoking.

6.    “ Switching to e-cigarettes with nicotine continued, can be expected to reduce lung cancer but the risk for lung cancer is the same as altogether compared to quitting cigarettes without e-cigarettes.
The latest fad among those who want to quit smoking is the electronic cigarette, which is widely known as “e-cigarette”. According to, “Smokers can enjoy and experience the physical and emotional sensations of electronic cigarettes. Though the nicotine side effects are still present, the other more serious problems caused due to the harmful ingredients of cigarettes can be totally eliminated.” E-cigarettes come in various doses of nicotine content. And e-cigarettes also come with a warning that too much consumption of this product may still impose a risk to a heart disease as it contains nicotine vapor. It is also made up of nitrosamines; cancer-causing compounds that imposes toxicity to humans if the cigarette breaks.

The list may continue since there are more alternatives to cigarette consumption. It usually varies on which the person finds most comfortable to use, and there may be some who would not find any of these effective. They need not lose hope, though. While it is plausible that smoking is a hard habit to break, this habit can be broken. There’s nowhere in that sentence that says it is impossible. With determination, strong will and discipline, it is possible to start living a healthy life. It doesn’t need to be abrupt. Taking one step at a time would do as long as you’re determined to working toward that goal.

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